Welcome to the section on naturopathic techniques. These techniques are so transformative for having the body to detoxify and cleanse and also to really rejuvenate the organs that you're working with. So when we change our diet, we start to hydrate toxicity will naturally want to leave the liver, colon etc. And so naturopathic techniques are basic techniques which can speed up cleanse and the reason why we incorporate them in the naturopathic philosophy is to really help the system to give it there have been handling so that when you are detoxifying, the system actually is free of symptoms. So for example, a headache could be that the liver is actually holding too much toxicity or bloated colon, for example might be that the colon is swelling due to toxicity builder. So as natural paths we use the techniques really to help the person to feel lighter.
But also to speed up cleansing. And it really makes a huge difference when we're following the detoxification diet. So why would you think about using them at this stage? Well, I'm sure having incorporated some of the principles that we've been teaching on this, this course, that you've made quite a lot of change in diet, and therefore the system will need some level of detoxification. And if we don't include naturopathic techniques, we can find that symptoms can hang around in the body spots on the skin and not feeling quite ourselves in terms of energy etc. And so these techniques can be safe and easy to do and techniques that can be new be used in your own home.
Some of the things that we use within the philosophy of skin brushing, hot and cold showers, sauna steam room, also massage massage that you can do do yourself. omics or animals, of course, a colonic, you would need to go to a practitioner and some of these things may be under practitioner guidance which I will talk to you a little bit about later. But the main principle for this section of the course is to understand that these techniques are really important, they cannot make a huge difference in your life they really do improve our potential for energy and it can make such a difference in terms of helping the body to feel more itself then so ease in pain, any contraction in the body if the system is actually holding toxicity, we will generally feel pain and discomfort. So what will you need right now, incorporated within your philosophy ever think about where the symptoms lie in the body, and then that will help you to understand where you need to go with a naturopathic techniques.
So for example, if the skin is not detoxifying to its fullest, pacity you might get swaths, feeling like the skin is not sweating under exercise. Or if you're actually finding the skin tone is not looking great, the skin is losing its glow and less than the skin might actually be showing a certain level of toxicity. So to improve circulation, improve detoxification, you could start with a simple exercise of just changing the temperature of the water. And this naturopathic technique has been around for thousands of years, I imagine and in the sort of philosophy within the naturopathic principles, often called principles are used quite a lot. And so it's simply just going into the shower starting with heart, having a couple of minutes and then moving that temperature to cold as cold as you can bear. And then that would be alternated between hot and cold for two or three rounds and then always finishing on cold When we actually cleanse in our body, we should always finish on cold.
So that could be just a basic face, wash with cold water, or marshes, elbows, that's quite a good area for detoxification back of the neck. So using this cold water as you can and finish it on cold with those principles, the same thing would apply to the feet. One technique that we use is if your body is actually you find you've got a racy mind or difficulty in sleeping, then you might actually put your feet into cold water, just to clear that congestion that's going on in the mind and bringing the energy or the circulation down into the feet. And that makes a big difference in terms of helping the body to sort of feel calmer, but also detoxifying to the feet. So you can do these principles this summer where you're actually in zen, with the temperature changes, and that the only contraindication here would be If that the person is already cold due to illness, then you wouldn't apply cold temperatures to that person to match what the body needs.
So if the person is cold, you want to warm the map with warmer temperatures, so things like hot tub in hot saunas, and if there's a general balance of temperature, you would alternate just to improve the circulation. And that in itself sends a message to the system that is increasing its energy, and through sweating and also movement in the system, and especially the lymphatic to the body so the lymphatic glands can sometimes get congested, and also the lymphatic fluids will become thickened, if there's symptoms such as a cold or viral activity. And so what we're doing is actually within the lymphatic system by creating this hot and cold sequence and that makes a big difference to how a person feels Judo and energy will increase throughout the major organs, which improves their detoxification. Another simple technique you might do at home would be massage that is simply done with your own hands.
So again, it's always very hard to produce oil such as coconut oil, to have to cool the system but also to create movement. So massaging through all the major lymphatic areas around the neck, around the lymph glands onto the arms, and again throughout the body. It's circular movements. And that can be done after a warm shower. And then as I said, finish and I'm cold and I'm finishing with oil on the body. Or another technique would be sesame oil, which is a woman oil.
So you would match again what the body needs in terms of temperature. Sesame oil is actually very warm and so it comes down to temperature cold environment, you might use a warm I'll now go on in the next section to talk about castor oil. castor oil is comes with a castor bean plant and it has a quite an array of amazing qualities, which I'm going to tell you about shortly. So for now, think about which part of the body needs the attention. Could it be skin, liver, kidneys, colon, and then we can apply a naturopathic technique to that area of the body and that then will increase energy and increase detoxification