It's time for you to find some role models. And what I'd like you to do is go to YouTube, and type in the name of your favorite politician, if you have our world leader, I don't care about your politics. I just want you to find someone who gave a huge speech. And the reason I say politics is because presidential nominees of major parties use teleprompters at their conventions, and it's usually a speech that they have rehearsed, and practiced, because they realize more people are going to watch that than any other speech in the campaign. So they're typically giving it their best I want you to watch your favorite politician, or at least someone you can stomach. I want you to watch their speech.
And now that you kind of know some of the behind the scenes aspects of what it takes to speak on a teleprompter. I want you to make notes of how they pause, how they change the speed, how they change their tone, how their volume changes, and how they're moving. their face, their head, their body, their hands. So, find one or two of these. really pay attention. Listen carefully, look carefully, and it will give you a much better sense of how other people do it well