Productive people have a growth mindset. unproductive, people often view the world as fixed and static you're born in this class or this caste. Your father or your parent was a dressmaker. So you can never be more than a dressmaker, or a shoe maker. There are some people in life where their culture, their society, their religion, their whatever, tells them things are fixed, so you might as well be happy with your lot in life. Now, if there's nothing wrong if your father is a shoemaker, your mother's a shoe maker and you want to be a shoe maker and you want to be the best shoe maker in the world.
I'm not knocking that. But in general, the most productive people in the world just don't have that attitude. If their parents were shoemakers, their goal may be to create the next Nike gear to create a brand that has international significance and revolutionizes the way people think of shoes. There's real productivity there. Now you could also be a craftsperson and want to make the most beautiful shoes in the world and only make 10 a year. That could be a two, but it needs to be your choice.
Productive people have a growth mentality. The pie is getting bigger because the pie is getting bigger in the world. The economy, the aggregate economy of the world is growing radically. And more and more opportunities. It's never been easier to sell any product or service to the whole world. So if you tell yourself, this is who I am, this is my fate.
I'm stuck. This is what people who look like me do or this is what people with my education do, and you're stuck. You may be very productive up to a point but you're putting an artificial cap on yourself. That's not what productive people do. They have a complete growth mentality and figure. It's not a irrational, I'm not going to say I can become a professional soccer player and win the World Cup.
It's not ever gonna happen. I'm horrible at soccer. But a growth mentality is I can grow into anything I want. I can develop anything I want. The marketplace can grow. They're always going to be new and new markets for things that we hadn't even thought of no one thought of smartphone 50 years ago, maybe they thought of it 40 years ago on Star Trek.
But let's now about 50 years ago, 60 years ago, people had not thought of smartphones. And certainly consumers were clamoring for now for most people, certainly in western wealthier countries, it's almost impossible to imagine life without a smartphone. People who have a fixed mentality about the world. Don't create smartphones. So if you want to be productive, you have to have a growth mentality. Not a fixed state mentality of the world.