When you're picking your area of expertise for freelancing, you need to step back and ask yourself, Is this an evergreen topic? Is this something I see people interested in five years from now? 10 years from now, 30 years from now. Now, I'm not a young man. I'm 55 years old at the time of this recording, but I certainly hope to be doing this another 40 years. So I don't want to pick a topic that's going to go out of fashion.
The good news about my niche is people are always going to have to speak now they may speak more and more in front of a video camera instead of a live audience. That's okay. I already have courses and a curriculum for how to speak on a video camera but I'm convinced public speaking, presenting speaking to the media is something that's always going to be with us in fact, the demand is going up. So my particular niche might not be quite as hot as certain new sophisticated Did software developers who can sell their services and just get a $10 million a year salary from Google? My niche isn't that hot, but it's not going away. I'm old enough to remember back in the late 1990s, people set up entire training companies all on how to get seminars on how to protect yourself from y2k.
And some of them sold a bunch of workshops and made a bunch of money, but it was a very short term thing. Once the year 2000 rolled around, it was completely gone. So look at a niche that you think has long term potential because a lot of the things you do in your freelance business, reading about the subject, learning more writing books, they might not pay off for five or 10 years. If you're in a niche where you think you're not going to be in it in 10 years, or where there might not be demand. You've got to really think twice about that. That's why sometimes I see people, let's say they're the early 20s.
And they want to be dating experts, and perhaps they're selling advice, and there's a market for that. But you got to ask yourself if you're 20 let's say you're 28. Now, giving people advice on dating and you're not a marriage therapist. Do people want to listen to someone 50 years old, give them advice on dating that might strike some people as creepy. That's what I would say. For a lot of people considering that niche that's not a good niche.
Pick something that you see has real long term potential. And it'll allow you to grow it will also justify a lot of its time and expense as you spend creating more content, getting better and better at your craft.