For highly productive people learning is a priority that's actually scheduled. It's not just wait till the summer, the week or two when you're at the beach and read some interesting book on the beach. It's not like that it's not after you finish everything else on your to do list. And after you finished last on Netflix, which by the way I watched and it is good. It's something you schedule every day. It's just a part of who you are.
You don't even necessarily have to write it on your schedule, because it's just a part of who you are for many highly productive people. It's what they do the last hour the last 90 minutes before they fall asleep. They are reading books, if they have any kind of a commute. That's what they're consuming, not news, not and celebrity trivia. And it's not the latest criticisms and political fights of what's going On in the topical news, they're actually learning new stuff, by reading books, could be nonfiction, could be fiction could be a how to book on how to write a novel, even if they don't aspire to write a novel. But it's a part of their daily life, when it's first thing in the morning, could be there at a doctor's office, pull out a cell phone, instead of looking at the latest news feed, and the latest tittle tattle of what's going on with the Capitol.
They're actually in the middle of chapter three, and a book on to be stamp collecting could be artificial intelligence and almost doesn't matter. As long as it's about something they are learning from. And that's the key. It's not just everything else is a part of their daily DNA. It's constant learning. doesn't always have to be reading could be listening to a podcast instead of listening to top 40 music on the radio.
He could be watching a YouTube video in the evening or a TED Talks video in the evening instead of watching a sitcom. You can be agnostic on what format you use, what site, what application, as long as it's learning and it's a part of your daily DNA.