By and large, highly productive people are not followers of other gurus. Now I'm giving advice here and I certainly am happy you're here in the course. I hope you take some of the tips but I don't want you to blindly follow me or blindly follow Anthony Robbins or any other guru out there. Any other self development so called expert because when you scratch just a little you'll find with so many so called experts. They're the biggest examples of what not to do. Look at the men are from Mars, women are from Venus.
JOHN gray has been married and divorced multiple multiple times. And yet he's made 10s of millions of dollars if not more, giving advice on how to have happy marriage and communicate. And a lot of his advice is perfectly fine. But my point is, if you really want to be productive, yes, read john gray. Go to an Anthony Robbins. seminar, attend a forum if you want to.
There's all sorts of personal development things but remember, there's no one way except for ultimately your way highly productive people become their own gurus. I can't be your guru. No one else can. You can be you have to synthesize all the other gurus ideas, information, insights, philosophies, and filter it in through the lens with what works for you.